Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tips for Exams!

Exams are stressful. At this point, with exams so close, students are probably biting their nails down to stubs, having the "oh-no-i-missed-my-final-" nightmare, or tracking down their professors like hound dogs for last minute questions. Here are a few little tips to ease the pressures of the upcoming weeks.

  • 1. Study everyday! This is really not the time to watch a Friends marathon guys. It is down to the wire, and every minute counts.
  • 2. Create a study group. Study groups do not have to be large ensembles of people. Even just one other person is enough to bounce ideas off of and review key concepts.
  • 3. Review some commercial outlines. However, do this one with some caution because sometimes a commercial outline can be wrong, broad, or cover excessive material. I recommend to use it for term grouping strategies (ex. to understand under what heading should a particular concept go) and clarification on black letter law. 
  • 4. Take five minute breaks after every hour of study.
  • 5. Meet with professors. Even though they may be swamped around this time, hang in there and get an appointment. It always help to converse with the person that is actually going to be making your exam!

Happy Studying!

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