Thursday, January 31, 2013

Location Location!!

So one thing that I LOVE about Capital is the location! And since I live just across the street I get this benefit all the time! Downtown Columbus offers so much to do and I can honestly say I feel really safe! I am writing about this because I am reminded of how amazing it is every time the weather warms up -- even if just for a day before back to snow :-)

This week I have been able to drive with the windows down, walk to Starbucks without freezing, and go for a run outside.  The buildings in Columbus are really beautiful and most people don't ever notice this just driving through. One of my favorite things is to run through downtown (well to be honest it is more of a run till i give up then walk awhile before i run/walk home). This gives me the chance to see everything this city has to offer and I am at the mercy of the "walking man" telling me which way to cross roads and continue on my run.  Though this week a lot of what I enjoy isn't there it was beautiful to see all the city buildings and what is up and coming around town.

Some of my finds this week: a salon that does a 20 minute mani/pedi (bonus it was on groupon so SUPER cheap) and a restaurant I have added to my list of "I will eat here" places (which i have run past a million times and never noticed the smell till this week).

I also learned a few things: they really do turn water fountains off in the winter, there is way more construction and development going on on building than I realized, and the particular construction I really care about (the apartments by the Columbus Commons Park and on the new grocery store The Hills Market) is moving along -- so I reassured myself the awesome activities of free yoga in the park and food truck festivals will be coming back this spring at the park and we will get a gourmet grocery featuring local food 1 block from Capital Law in just a few short months!

There is so much going on in this town and it is such a great way to take a break from school! I love that we have a city to enjoy but there is grass and fresh air all around at the same time!

This city is building up and as it does Capital Law is right in the middle and we get to take advantage to all the benefits! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Allow me to introduce myself. . .

Hello everyone! I'll be on here along with my fellow blog buddy Amy White, so I thought I would share some random notes about myself.

  • My name is Kwesi Seabrook. I know my name may be difficult to pronounce. I have been called Kiwi, Kelsey, Kwasi, and a whole slew of other random concoctions. So, this is the best little trick I have come up with for others to find my name manageable; 'Kwesi rhymes with jesse.' 

  • I graduated from Capital University Undergrad in Bexley. I loved the school and had an awesome experience there. I was extremely involved in sports and still hold the school's record for the 400m dash in track, as a nationally ranked All American.
    • Don't ask me to run a 400 now... the stairs at school get me winded.

  • I was initially interested in family law upon arriving here at Capital. My father went through a lengthy and nasty custody battle for my younger sister when I was around nine. Since then, I have always wanted to help families navigate their way through difficult situations. Capital has a great family law program for this type of concentration. However, now that I have been exposed to so many different types of law, such as contracts and tort law, I find myself enjoying different areas as well.
    • So here's my chance to give some pertinent advice: Keep an open mind when you go to law school. You may find that you really have a knack for a particular area of law if you only give yourself the chance. 

  •  I'm really close to my family and most of them live in Dayton, Ohio in the city where I grew up. I try to convince them to move to Columbus all the time because I think Columbus is a prime location for all ages. So far, they haven't made any plans to leave yet, but I'm still working on them.

Well, that is all I have for this first entry! Until next time!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome! My name is Amy!

Since there are two of us using this blog I thought I would first tell you about myself. I am a 2L at Capital Law School and in my third semester of the MBA program at Capital University! I love the balance between both programs and have met some really amazing people! I come from Miami University where I graduated in Business Economics in 2009 and spent my entire time there as a member of Phi Mu Fraternity. I love Miami and miss the food like crazy (Bagel and Deli in particular). Before that I went to UAB (Alabama Birmingham) for one semester (well 1/2 a semester) and played volleyball. I grew up in Cincinnati and LOVE the Reds!

Currently, I am working here in admissions, coaching a U14 volleyball team with one of my high school best friends, attending MBA and JD classes, and working as a Kaplan and MBA program rep.  I love everything I am involved with so it makes it easy to balance. I am very close with my family. I have grandparents here in Columbus as well as a sister, a few cousins, and an Aunt. I have more cousins, aunts, uncles, and second cousins then I care to count and my other sister is currently at Miami. My parents are still in Cincinnati so I go home for some Larosas, Skyline, and Montgomery Inn every so often.

I just got back (10 days ago) from a winter break study abroad program in Curacao. Needless to say I would much rather be back on a beach right now then sitting in 30 degree weather. It was an amazing trip and to anyone considering study abroad I say DO IT!! I met great people and came home with a network of future attorneys across the country. Besides the academic reasons it was a blast. I went to class in the morning, came back to the resort (yes, this program put us up in a Marriott resort) and laid out or played sand volleyball (all with law books close by) then showered and went into the city with friends to eat dinner on the water and see the night life offered by this Dutch Island. It was beautiful and the experience does not compare to anything I have ever done before. We all went cliff diving, ATVing, deep sea fishing, shopping, toured the court house, met judges and prosecutors, swam at one of the top 10 beaches in the world, saw an ostrich farm (yes I ate ostrich and it was delicious), and basically toured a beautiful island for 3 weeks while earning 4 law credits. 

 ^this is one of the worlds prettiest beaches taken while we were swimming
 ^This is a picture of the cliff I jumped off of (it is 4 stories up and my friend Mike walked right into the pic)
 ^this is the group that went ATVing and this pic was at a stop along the trip where we hiked into a bat cave (literally FILLED with bats) to get a view of the undeveloped north shore from a cliff

So there is some info about me! I will be back to write more soon and my co-blogger Kwesi will be writing on here too! Till then I am off to Charleston to help my sorority sister with wedding plans!